The GIS program that simulates habitats,
integrating high quality imagery and analytical tools.

Imagery to Import

There are many sites with imagery now available on the web.
  Most, but not all, imagery types will work with this tool.

Here are some great sites where imagery is available.
  Save the imported file in your project directory (see tutorial).

Category Source Format Spacial
Extent Period
SST GHRSST JPL PODAAC NetCDF 0.25 deg daily Global gap free 1981 – present
SST MODIS NASA Oceans HDF 4 km, 9 km daily, 8-day
monthly, yearly
Global 2002 - present
Chlorophyll SeaWifs(Log)
 Registration required
NASA Oceans HDF 4 km, 9 km daily, 8-day
monthly, yearly
Global 1997 – 2010
Chlorophyll CZCS NASA Oceans HDF 5 km, 9 km daily, 8-day
monthly, yearly
NonGlobal 1978 – 1986

Bathymetry GEBCO
 Registration required

GEBCO NetCDF 30 arc seconds or 1 minute N/A Global N/A
Bathymetry ETOPO NOAA GRD98 1 arc degree N/A Global N/A